Transform your Ministry

If you are visiting this page, it’s likely your church is in pain or has experienced painful crises in the past. Our research has shown that where unhealed congregational wounds exists, ministry traction, trust in leadership, communication and a church’s collective spirit greatly decline. You may be feeling those effects right now.

At Blessing Point we see such congregational pain though a biblical prism. We believe that whatever challenges your church faces from its recent or past episodes of trauma, God has a redemptive purpose for them (Rev. 3:19).  We believe that just as physical pain in the human body often signals deeper problems, painful events in the Body of Christ carry a similar message (1 Cor. 11:30-32; 1 Cor. 12).

We help you discern and respond to the message Jesus intended your church’s pain to communicate.

When you listen and respond to Him, as has been the case with so many other wounded churches we’ve served, your church receives a new spirit. It’s a spirit of peace, growing unity and renewed fruitfulness (Hag. 2:19).

When it comes to healing your church, there are two paths to consider. In some cases healing can come from within, guided by a pastor or a gifted lay person. However, in other cases, you may think it best to bring in someone with an outside, objective perspective, someone trained and experienced to facilitate the process. Guidelines for each path are outlined in the tabs below.

Healing from Within

We have developed resources and online helps that enable a church to navigate the healing process led by a facilitator from within your congregation. Though please be honest about your reasons for choosing this path. Humility plays a significant role in healing your church, and pride can sometimes keep us from asking an outsider for help. You might also think that finances would be an obstacle to bringing in an outside facilitator. However we at Blessing Point do everything we can to make this affordable for churches in financial pain. If you still want to explore having someone from within your congregation facilitate the process, follow this link to access our free online resources.

Should you embark on the healing process in-house and need help in the midst of it, please feel free to reach out to us. We’re here to serve the Body of Christ and healing wounded ministries is a big part of what we do.

Bringing in a Facilitator

Blessing Point’s facilitators are folk who know church pain. They’ve been through it themselves and come out the other side. They have a heart for Christ’s Bride and long to see your church reflect His radiance. We don’t come along side your church to tell you what your problems are, rather we help you hear from the Lord together about problems that He sees. We enter into churches with different beliefs on secondary issues with a spirit of grace (We’ve ministered in fifteen different denominations since 2003). We often learn much from the different groups we serve and consider it a privilege to do so.

You can learn about the biblical basis for church consultants here.

You can see our smiling faces here.

We guide your church through a six stage process (download) that takes 90 -120 days to complete depending on your church calendar. After the initial work is complete we stick around for the next twelve months, available to coach you through issues that come up.

Costs are scaled according to your church’s average Sunday morning attendance. We keep our fees low because this is a ministry, not a business. In cases where a church wants to use us, but cannot afford our services, we do our best to make it work for everyone involved. So don’t let dollar signs scare you off.

Please contact us on line or call 678.201.7033 (EST) to explore bringing a Blessing Point facilitator to your ministry.

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